The Kyneton Show has again set records with the biggest crowd ever at the Friday night carnival.
The showgrounds were abuzz with about 9000 people across the two-day show.
Kyneton Agricultural Society president, Andrew Ferrington, congratulated all who attended, entered and volunteered to make the 162nd show such a success.
“We aim to improve every year and this was just a ripper,” he said. “It was a great show.”
Entries were up in the horse show and the junior sheep handler competition, while the poultry pavilion displayed 50 breeds of birds including waterfowl, quail and chicks.
The pavilion competitions smashed records with more than 3100 entries.
Photography and home baking had the biggest jump in entries. Jams, preserves and chutneys, farm produce, paper skills, painting and drawing were also up.
With another 1100 items from 19 schools, after-hours care and kindergartens, more than 4200 individual objects were exhibited.
“Not everyone wins a prize but every item is appreciated. It gives everyone so much to look at,” head pavilion steward, Renai Dudley said.
“You’ll see a bunch of teenage boys rush over to needlework and knitting because one of their nans entered a shawl and they want to see it,” she said. “It’s a wonderful thing to see that cross-generational connection.
“People are just excited for each other. That’s what the entire show is about – it brings the community together.”
These are the winners of the main prizes in each section and special prizes at the Kyneton Show. The Aggregate Prize is awarded to the competitor who wins the most points across all the classes in that section of competition. Those who go through to the group final will compete against winners from 13 other shows in our region. Winners of VAS classes will also compete at the Central Highlands Group Final to go on to the state final at the Royal Melbourne Show.
Craft Work
Best Adult Exhibit: Robyn Kelly and Jane Stanley
Piece of Hand Beading: Lucy Olson (goes on to group final)
Recycled/Upcycled Item: Nicole Linton
Best Exhibit Wood: Cindy Prendergast
Item of Woodwork: Cindy Prendergast (goes on to group final)
Best Exhibit, Ag Art: Lynn Walker
Best Exhibit Wargaming Miniatures: Ben Rantall
Decorated Pet Rock (14 yrs and under): Hannah Alexander (goes on to group final)
Best Exhibit, 13-17 years: Riley Bourke
Best Exhibit, 9-12 years: Jack Hourigan
Best Exhibit, 8 and under: Johnny Collins
Creative Writing
School Essay Competition (grade 5 and 6 students): Ruby Cummins (goes on to group final)
Creative Writing (8 yrs and under): Phoebe Schreiber
Creative Writing (9 to 12 years): Amelia Richards
Farm and Garden Produce
Aggregate Prize: Deb Kohlman
Most Outstanding Entry: Deb Kohlman
Collection 5 Vegetables: Deb Kohlman
Helen Blumson-Thiele Memorial Ribbon – 6 Stalks of Rhubarb: Amanda Hickey
Best Junior Exhibit: Ernie Dwyer
Fleeces – Sheep
Richard Dixon Memorial Best Merino Fleece – exhibited by Therese Ryan (goes on to group final)
MB O’Sullivan Memorial Best Medium Merino Fleece – exhibited by Therese Ryan
Eilan Donan Perpetual Trophy Best Pair Merino Fleece – Daniel White
Best Crossbred Fleece – Ronelle Welton
Home Brew
Aggregate Prize – Champion Brewer: Matt Carroll
Champion Beer of Show: Bevan Howell
Home Baking
Aggregate Prize: Wendy Proimos
VAS Rich Fruit Cake Competition: Deb Kohlman (goes on to VAS group final)
VAS Carrot Cake Competition: Ian Kohlman (goes on to VAS group final)
Plain Sponge (4 eggs): Julie Jackson (goes on to VAS group final)
Plain Scones: Christine Jessup (goes on to VAS group final)
Arnold Jenkins Memorial Ribbon – shortbread: Nicola Turner
Feature Ingredient – Anything made with nuts: Rosie Mizza
Machine Bread: Penny Chote
Handmade Bread: Christine Jessup
VAS Junior Boiled Fruit Cake Competition (under 18): Mabel Pearce
VAS junior carrot muffins: no entry
Decorated Teddy Bear Biscuit (10 yrs and under): Lila Needham (goes on to group final)
Plain Scones (14 yrs and under): Chloe Haall (goes on to group final)
Decorated Cup Cakes (14 yrs and under): Claire Tagell (goes on to group final)
Best Adult Exhibit: Wendy Proimos and Tracey Marshall
Best Exhibit Young Adult Classes: Scarlett Rutledge
Best Junior Exhibit: Bridget Eames
Aggregate Prize – Cut Flowers: Therese Ryan
Champion Rose: Rachel Hewitt
Arnold Jenkins Memorial Ribbon – Container Mixed Flowers: Kylie Swain
Aggregate Prize – Pot Plants: Melva Ryan
Aggregate Prize – Floral Art (donated in memory of Marie Londish) – Amber Verkys
Best Exhibit – Floral Art (donated In Memory of Pearl Ingles) – Amber Verkys
Best exhibit, Children’s Section: Sorcha Wimhurst
Shirley Fitzgerald Memorial Trophy for the Supreme Led Exhibit: Aria Le Belle exhibited by Karen Cook
Supreme Champion Led Purebred Arabian: Maymasa Jalila exhibited by Judy Meade
Supreme Champion Led and Ridden Arabian Deriative: Hannaley Street Art exhibited by Narelle Cribb
Supreme Champion Led Riding Pony: Aria Le Belle exhibited by Karen Cook
Supreme Champion Led Welsh Pony: Penmarch Spellbound exhibited by Rebecca Talbot
VAS Ltd Off the Track Open Led: Dialetic exhibited by Danielle Viney (qualifies for the 2025 VASA Ag Show Championship)
VAS Ltd Off the Track Hunter Led: ‘Rock N Gold’ exhibited by Jadey Campbell (qualifies for the 2025 VASA Ag Show Championship)
Noel Morris Memorial Viceroy Turnout: Colhaven Donnaleigh exhibited by Peta Bickford
Arnold Jenkins Memorial Sash, Driven Horse or Pony by Novice Driver: Colhaven Donnaleigh exhibited by Peta Bickford
Jean Haynes Supreme Champion Harness Horse/Pony: Shepherds Hill Golden Wattle exhibited by Evanne Chesson
Fancy Dress
1st – Amelia Stoneman with Buzz
2nd – Ruby Cummins with Ella
3rd – Elle Stoneman with Bella
Jams, Preserves, Chutneys
Aggregate Prize: Deb Kohlman
Best Jar of Jam: Deb Kohlman (Apricot Jam)
Best Spread: Chelsea Drennan (Sweet Butter)
Exhibition Citrus Marmalade: Deb Kohlman
Best Preserve: Jennifer Worthington
Best Junior Exhibit: Scout Leitch
Best Exhibit 5 years and under: Anthea Wykes
Best Exhibit 6-8 years: Johnnie O’Meara
Best Exhibit 9 – 12 years: Indigo Hardy
Best Exhibit 13 – 17 years: Mackinley Hardy
Best Exhibit Big Kids: Daniel Porter
Best Exhibit Group Collaborations: Archer, Beren & Alex Sims
Needlework and Knitting
Aggregate Prize: Pamela Inglis
VAS State Sewing Championship: Monica Smyrek
VAS Crocheted article: Lorraine Hicks
VAS Cross stitch: Vicki Prewett
VAS Knitting: no entry
VAS Hand Patchwork: no entry
VAS Hand Embroidery: no entry
Knitted Baby Garment: Leni May (goes on to group final)
Beanie: Jennifer Mouat (goes on to group final)
Coat hanger, any yarn: Therese Ryan (goes on to group final)
Crochet Baby Jacket: Kerry Bruni (goes on to group final)
Any Crocheted Toy: Pamela Inglis (goes on to group final)
Piece of Tapestry Work: Alison Condliffe
Best Exhibit, Knitting: Suzanne Ereaut
Best Exhibit, Crochet: Skye Myers
Best Exhibit, Textile design/Sewing: Bronwen Moncrieff
Best Exhibit, Embroidery: Joy Pearce
Best Exhibit, Patchwork/Quilting: Jane McGrath
Best Exhibit, Stitching: Jane McLean
Best Exhibit, Toys/dolls: Phyllis Ford
Best Exhibit, Bags: Pamela Inglis
Best Exhibit, Miscellaneous: Pamela Inglis
Best Junior Exhibit: Bridget Eames
Bob Stewart Memorial Prize – Handspinning & Weaving: Anne O’Brien
Painting and Drawing
Aub Gibson prize for Best Original Painting: Andrew Kuhlmann
Best Junior Exhibit: Jett Kardas
Paper Skills
Best Adult Exhibit: Nicole Laity
Scrapbooking, 1 Leaf: Nicole Laity (goes on to group final)
Handmade Card, Adult: Nicole Laity (goes on to group final)
Handmade Card, 14 yrs and under: Tily White (goes on to group final)
Best Junior Exhibit: Adelaide Jones
Aggregate Prize (donated in memory of Nash Dudley): Courtney Lister
VAS Adult Photograph Competition: Matt Excell (goes on to group final)
Daniel McKay Award – adult: Nicola Donald
Insect or Native Flower or Plant Study: Courtney Lister
Best Adult Exhibit: Gina Auciello
VAS Junior Photograph Competition: Matthew Ryan (goes on to group final)
Daniel McKay Award – junior: Laurence Joyner
Insect or Native Flower or Plant Study: Vega Perera
Best Junior Exhibit: Chase Kirby
Stud Sheep (meat breeds)
Champion Ram: Seb Auds Hampshire Downs exhibited by Audrey Beattie
Reserve Champion Ram: Seb Auds Hampshire Downs exhibited by Sebastian Beattie
Champion Ewe: Seb Auds Hampshire Downs exhibited by Sebastian Beattie
Reserve Champion Ewe: Seb Auds Hampshire Downs exhibited by Audrey Beattie
Champion Group of the Show (1 Ram, 2 Ewes, any age): Bunderra Suffolks exhibited by Sarah Correa
Junior Handler Competition: Audrey Beattie (9)
The Jean Haynes Supreme Champion Harness Horse/Pony winner, Shepherds Hill Golden Wattle, driven by Jodie McKeone with Jessica Harvey seated alongside and judge Natasha Pettingill. Photo: Helen Heinrich Winner of the Shirley Fitzgerald Memorial Trophy for the Supreme Led Exhibit Karen Cook was thrilled to win her first garland and Supreme trophy with mare Poppy (Aria Le Belle) – along with two bags of feed donated by Perrys Stockfeeds that she said will be very helpful in the current economic climate. Photo: Rob Meade