While the Kyneton Daffodil and Arts Festival has been postponed, a favourite part of the event can still be enjoyed by the inventive Kyneton community in 2020.
In view of Stage 3 restrictions until at least mid-September, the much-loved scarecrow competition will take place after lockdown finishes.
Festival secretary Marg Dearricott said there would be an opportunity for people to plan and begin making scarecrows and send photos of their ‘ISO-crows’ to the festival in preparation for the competition after the COVID-19 restrictions finished.
“We can display them on our facebook pages as they arrive so that those people who would normally drive around to find them, can see them by searching there in anticipation of the competition taking place,” Ms Dearricott said.
“We will not be able to have a workshop this year, but we have confidence that people can use their imagination in fashioning what are usually their solitary creations.
“As mid-September approaches the festival committee will publish the usual entry forms on the webpage www.kynetondaffodilarts.org.au and the festival Facebook page.
“Sadly we cannot have our drive-by of the home gardens because of Stage 3 restrictions,” Ms Dearricott said.
“As we exercise in our local areas we are delighted to see so many daffodils out already adding cheerful colour – this year a few weeks earlier than usual.
“Our committee is also delighted and grateful to Macedon Ranges Shire Council for confidently granting us additional funding for not only 2021 but for three years until 2023 when our long-running festival will be 50 years young.”