In June last year, Gisborne writer and mum of three, Kat Buttigieg, launched a blog called Macedon Ranges Mumma to share ideas of family fun in the Ranges.
Kat also organised meet ups for locals at playgrounds in the shire.
A year and a half on, Kat has been the recipient of a bronze AusMumpreneur award for Making A Difference (Community) and has launched her latest venture, a Shop Local Keyring Initiative.
She hopes the initiative will encourage people to support local businesses, especially after such a difficult year.
“The idea of the initiative is that people purchase a keyring and receive discounts or specials when they show it at participating local businesses,” Kat said.
“It is free for businesses to become involved in the initiative; all they need to do is provide an incentive that will work for them.
“Some are offering a percentage off their products and services, others include free drink upsizes or a complimentary lesson or product upon purchase.”
Kat said keyrings could be ordered online for $20 and some incentives gave buyers a return on their investment immediately.
“I believe that more people would shop in our local towns if they knew what was there,” she said.
“The main aims of the initiative are to advertise our amazing local shops and services and to get people using them.”
Kat is also spreading the word to local schools, kindergartens and community groups who would like to use the keyrings as a fundraiser.
“It is a win-win situation,” Kat said, “The people fundraising can keep half of the proceeds of the keyring to assist their community group and the more keyrings out there being used, the better for our local businesses too.”
Visit for details.