Macedon Ranges residents can help shape the future planning of the heritage-listed Malmsbury Botanic Gardens.
Macedon Ranges Shire Council has released the gardens’ draft master plan, which opened for community feedback last week.
Council’s director of assets and operations Shane Walden said the plan would provide strategic direction for the future of the site and encouraged community input.
“Malmsbury Botanic Gardens is a heritage-listed 19th century botanic garden, cherished by locals and the wider community. It attracts visitors from across the country,” he said.
“Malmsbury Botanic Gardens are used and valued by a variety of community stakeholders such as recreational fishers, garden and heritage enthusiasts, and young families out for a picnic. Giving feedback is an opportunity for all members of the community to contribute to the future direction of the Gardens.”
Council is seeking the views of the community to ensure the plan is developed in a strategic and environmentally sustainable manner.
The draft plan will be made public for six weeks to allow for feedback. Following community feedback, the master plan will be amended if necessary, then finalised and submitted to the council for adoption.
Feedback on the plan closes March 29, via mrsc.vic.gov.au/yoursay, email or written submissions.
This project does not yet have a funding commitment attached but will assist Council to pursue potential funding opportunities.