Excited about compost?

Joel Meadows is perpetually excited about compost. Photo: Liz Patterson

YIMBY is calling for experienced and enthusiastic composters to come on board and join The YIMBY (Yes in My Backyard) team.

They’ve been busy behind the scene since receiving funding to roll out phase two of the YIMBY composting trial across Mount Alexander Shire.

“This is an exciting milestone towards creating a truly local system for dealing with our food waste,” says Joel Meadows, compost consultant for the YIMBY project.

YIMBY coordinator Lucy Young is confident there are at least 10 composters in the community who are looking for more food to expand their ‘feedstock’ and get their backyard systems pumping.

“Since YIMBY started, I’ve taken my own compost a lot more seriously and am now pumping out rich luscious compost almost monthly, the garden is looking very healthy this year!” Lucy says.

Advanced compost workshops and on-site troubleshooting are being offered by Joel, ensuring that YIMBY is creating the best compost possible in the most efficient way.

While YIMBY is at its heart about the love of compost, compost itself has an important role to play in reducing carbon emissions and creating solutions that bring communities together.

This is a low-tech approach to the complex global problem of climate change.

“If we can get food and garden ‘waste’ out of landfill, we are making a significant contribution towards tackling climate change, increasing local food production while turning ‘waste’ to resource,” says Liz Patterson, YIMBY project worker.

Liz has been working on the new look YIMBY website, which is now up and running, ready for submissions and enquires. YIMBY needs you, the composters of this community, to jump in and get to work.

Go to yimbycompost.com to register today or email hello@yimbycompost.com.

YIMBY is supported by the Recycling Victoria Communities Fund, delivered by the Sustainability Victoria on behalf of the Victorian State Government.