National conference coming to Castlemaine

    Castlemaine is set to host the Mainstreet Australia Conference next month.

    In recent years, main streets and town centres have faced many challenges to their survival.

    First, shopping centres, then online, and finally, COVID. Now they’re faced with worker shortages and price increases.

    However, in comparison to metro main streets, regional precincts have done it even tougher with a smaller population to call on for support and drops in tourism.

    It is for this reason Mainstreet Australia is bringing its one-day conference, normally held in Melbourne, to regional Victoria.

    With the support of Mount Alexander Shire Council and Business Mount Alexander, organisations, businesses and individuals committed to helping these precincts are invited to access invaluable education and connection on Thursday August 4 at the Phee Broadway Theatre in Castlemaine.

    Mainstreet Australia executive officer Elizabeth Joldeski said it had been a challenging couple of years and with the latest wave of COVID and flu cases, the conference, and the issues it would tackle, could not be more timely.

    “The conference will explore what successful businesses have learned, improved and how they have pivoted their focus to reset and revive in light of past and current pressures,” she said.

    Participants can expect inspiration from speakers like Jace Tyrrell of New West End Company, soon returning to Australia to lead the country’s first Business Improvement District across Sydney’s Western Harbour, and Australia’s leading consumer futurist, Amanda Stevens.

    “Jase will share some of the initiatives that have proven successful in boosting foot traffic in London’s West End, which could be adapted to work here,” Ms Joldeski said.

    “Amanda will look at the lay of the land, the future and scenario setting for achieving success, and finally Melanie Gleeson of Endota will discuss how to stand out and thrive on main streets.

    “We will also look at how consumers are changing and how younger shoppers are shopping more mindfully and ethically and are wanting to support local business.”

    As part of the conference, visitors will enjoy a tour of Castlemaine’s main street and also The Mill complex in Walker Street.

    Local business people and interested community members keen to attend the event can find out more details, including the schedule and speakers, and book your tickets at