In just six weeks Wombat Forestcare has raised more than $12,000 for a campaign to stop VicForests’ salvage logging operations in the Wombat State Forest.
Spokeperson Gayle Osborne said the local community cared deeply for the forest and was greatly distressed by the damage caused by the industrial-scale extraction of the fallen timber by VicForests.
“Babbington Hill, a favourite walking location, has now been extensively altered with a large clearing for machinery and the creation of many wide tracks,” Ms Osborne said.
“Further destruction will occur when the contractor returns to the area around Top Track.”
Ms Osborne said most of the donations had come from the local community and showed they were very concerned about the scale of the destruction to the forest and its natural ecosystems.
“There are 175 proposed salvage logging coupes, 80 of which are in the promised Wombat-Lerderderg National Park,” she said.
“It does not make sense to allow this type of operation in an area that has ecological values that deem it worthy of National Park status.
“According to the state government and VicForests, the main justification for the salvage logging is to reduce the fire risk caused by the fallen trees, however VicForests is only removing large logs and creating piles of combustible bark and fine fuels. A large number of logs are being transported across the state for pulp.”
Ms Osborne said Wombat Forestcare was supportive of proposed works by the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning to deal with the storm debris that posed a risk to community members seeking to use roads in event of a fire and to enable DELWP staff to respond effectively to fires that might occur.
Readers can donate to the campaign at chuffed.org/project/save-the-wombat-forest