More point-to-point road safety cameras have been installed on the Calder Freeway since the test program began early last year.
Additional solo cameras have also been installed as part of a multi-year trial of new road safety camera technology.
A spokesperson from the Department of Justice and Community Safety said the cameras would be operational later this year but there were no plans for them to issue infringements to drivers.
“The cameras are test cameras only, designed to trial the benefits of emerging P2P technology from a range of suppliers,” the spokesperson said.
“The Calder Freeway is currently the only trial location in Victoria for P2P technology.”
P2P cameras calculate the average speed of vehicles by assessing the time taken to travel between two points – if the calculated average speed exceeds the speed limit, the incident is accepted and sent for verification.
Cameras positioned at each ‘point’ take a set of digital images and also measure the speed of a vehicle at that location.
While they are being permanently installed as part of the trial, the test cameras are non-enforceable and will not result in speeding fines for road users.
The trial P2P cameras are located at numerous points of a 28-kilometre stretch, along the northbound and southbound section of the Calder Freeway between Macedon and Diggers Rest.