Public glass recycling skip bins will be installed across the Macedon Ranges as the council continues to explore solutions to the current recycling crisis.
The council has endorsed plans to remove glass from the current mixed recycling household bin collection service and to investigate introduction of a fourth glass-only bin service for the shire.
The move follows the closure of recycling processor SKM and exploration of a new processor that will accept recycled materials without glass.
The recycling disaster has seen Macedon Ranges’ co-mingled kerbside recycling go to landfill since stockpiling options were exhausted on August 10.
A household glass collection trial for Lancefield properties is now underway and will run until the end of January.
Glass recycling skip bins will be installed in locations around the shire. Residents can also take glass free of charge to council’s transfer stations in Kyneton, Woodend and Romsey for recycling.
The council will begin a feasibility study into the development of recycling sorting and processing infrastructure within the shire and will begin discussions with other regional councils and the state government to investigate funding and partnership opportunities.