Maldon youth camp seeks support

For 30 years the Victorian Blue Light Youth Camp, which has a base in Maldon, has provided learning opportunities for vulnerable and at-risk youths.

Victorian Blue Light Youth Camp is seeking support to develop a series of youth mental health programs.

For 30 years the camp, which has a base in Maldon, has provided learning opportunities for vulnerable and at-risk youths through programs that foster personal development, learning, leadership and trust.

Now the camp is developing a program to support youth through the pandemic based on research that teenagers are particularly vulnerable to increased risk and issues associated to mental health.

The recent Coping with COVID report, compiled by headspace, the national youth mental health foundation, found that 74 per cent of young respondents reported their mental health was worse since the outbreak of COVID-19.

“We know that COVID-19 has taken a huge toll on young Australians, especially when it comes to their mental health,” said Jon Mitchell, executive general manager of the Maldon camp.

“Right now, we’re developing a range of new programs to get ahead of this challenge so we can help those youth who are at risk of further mental health issues in the future.”

Work to start the development of the new programs is already under way, and Jon and the camp’s team have set themselves an ambitious fundraising target of $50,000 to ensure the program’s success.

“It’s really important to us that these new programs help us achieve our goal to make a positive impact in the community among young people,” Jon said.

“COVID-19 has taken a lot away from young people at a time in their lives when they should be enjoying themselves.

“The impacts of it are going to be felt for a long while, so anything we can do to help will definitely make a difference to someone’s life.

“We have the powerful solution with these new programs we’re developing, but we need support and funding to deliver them.”

To learn more or to donate, visit the Victorian Blue Light Youth Camp’s Go Fund Me page at:

For 30 years the Victorian Blue Light Youth Camp, which has a base in Maldon, has provided learning opportunities for vulnerable and at-risk youths.