Mount Alexander Shire residents plan to reframe and refocus their efforts to address climate change through the launch of an innovative new project – the Wararack Initiatives.
Launched at Victory Park last Thursday, the Wararack Initiatives will see council and the community work collaboratively on a 10-year Community Transition Plan addressing climate adaptation, cultural renewal and zero net emissions by 2030.
Formerly known as ZNET Mount Alexander Shire, the project has been renamed The Wararack Initiatives – wararack being a Dja Dja Wurrung word for ‘silver wattle’, whose sap is symbolic of the connection that binds Community and Country.
Nalderun CEO Kath Coff said the Wararack Initiatives was working in respectful partnership with Djaara Country and the Dja Dja Wurrung people.
“It’s not just about reaching zero net emissions, it’s also about how we thrive together and honour Country,” Ms Coff said.
The Wararack Initiatives Summary Report, which was presented to council on November 9, builds on the Community Climate Forum of December 9, 2019 and subsequent consultations. The report highlights key themes for consideration to help the shire reach zero net carbon emissions by 2030, adapt to the changing environment and thrive well into the future.
Thursday’s launch was host to key organisations and individuals invited to participate in the establishment of a steering group that will oversee the Community Transition Plan and the formation of working groups.
A number of Wararack Initiatives are already active in the shire such as Yes in My Backyard – a neighbourhood composting scheme; Renewable Newstead – a plan for a 5MW community energy plant; and the Castlemaine Currency project – an arts-led experiment into the localisation of the economy.
Mount Alexander Shire Council’s executive director of infrastructure, Michael Annear, said council was pleased to be participating in the Wararack Initiatives as a member of the steering group.
“Our Council Plan responds to the strong desire in our shire for action on climate change, and the Wararack Initiatives is one partnership that enables council to engage with our remarkable community,” he said.
Expressions of interest are now open for community members interested in joining in any of the working groups, proposing a Wararack Initiative or just wanting to stay informed. To find out more and to download the Wararack Initiatives Summary report visit: www.wararack.org