All kids deserve access to healthy and delicious food in places where they learn and play.
Vic Kids Eat Well is an exciting new state-wide movement focused on boosting healthy food and drink options in the places kids spend their time, including schools, outside school hours care, sports clubs, recreation facilities, council-operated facilities and more.
Castlemaine Health has got behind this fresh new approach to making healthy eating easier. By focusing on bite-sized changes and celebrating the wins together, it is an opportunity to generate a real community buzz for healthy eating.
Vic Kids Eat Well is supported by the Victorian Government and is delivered by Cancer Council Victoria’s Achievement Program, in partnership with Nutrition Australia’s Healthy Eating Advisory Service.
The health promotion officer at Castlemaine Health can assist Mount Alexander organisations to plan and implement changes relevant to their organisation or group.
Focused on four key actions, schools and other community organisations can choose to:
• Refresh the fridge – give sugary drinks the boot and let water take the spotlight
• Switch up the snacks – ditch the sweets and offer delicious healthy snacks that give kids the fuel they need
• Change up the menu – give fruit and veggies a chance to shine
• Put the ‘fun’ into fundraising and marketing – add health appeal to meal deals and fundraising
To sign up for free or to learn more about the movement, head to www.vickidseatwell.health.vic.gov.au.
You can also call 5479 1000 to talk to find out more from the health promotion officer.