Shedshaker Brewing’s Keg for Good is back today with the Castlemaine Surrounds Women’s Shed being this month’s recipient.
The Women’s Shed was established to provide a safe and supportive space for women to learn handy repair and building skills.
Castlemaine Surrounds Women’s Shed organiser Johanna Winchcomb said the group started in 2017 as a Facebook page to help empower women, especially single women, to become more self-reliant.
“Since then, it has grown into a going concern with more than 1000 members on the Facebook page, monthly workshops and the future establishment of a mobile workshop and tool library,” Johanna said.
“We are auspiced by the Castlemaine Community House and have been holding successful monthly gatherings and workshops there for the last 12 months. However, we recently receive attained a $3000 grant from Mount Alexander Shire Council to help us create our ‘Tradie Trailer’.
“We’ve had a trailer kindly donated, which has been sandblasted thanks to the team at Billman’s Foundry and resprayed thanks to Parsons Motor and Body Shop.
“We aim to fit out the trailer and travel to members properties month to month and ramp up to more frequent gatherings as needed.
“The long-term goal remains to have our own shed one day, with all the tools we need to teach women the skills they want to learn in a safe and supportive space.

“We have had great support this year from a range of organisations and local businesses, which has been fantastic, and want to keep building on this support.”
Shedshaker Brewing director Jacqueline Brodie-Hanns said the Keg for Good initiative saw the Taproom put on a keg of beer and the money raised from those sales go to the nominated charity.
“For two nights, Tuesday December 19 and Wednesday December 20, all proceeds of sales of the nominated beer will go to help support the great work the Women’s Shed does,” Jacqueline said.
“Last month we raised $300 for Castlemaine United Cricket Club, who are doing great work with junior and women’s cricket.”
The Keg for Good idea was inspired by the work of Bright Brewing, which runs a Community Keg once per month with proceeds going to nominated causes.
To learn more about Castlemaine Surrounds Women’s Shed, visit their brand-new website that was launched last week at womensshedcastlemaine.com.au or join their Facebook page by searching ‘Castlemaine Women’s Shed’.
The Women’s Shed is also launching a logo competition this Friday December 22. See the website for details on how to enter.
Community groups interested in being part of the Keg for Good program can email Shedshaker at beer@shedshakerbrewing.com