An Angus cow in Riddells Creek has given birth to triplets, defying odds of one in 105,000.
Rodello property farmer Rodney Kane made the rare discovery when checking on what he believed to be twins.
“I was surprised to see three calves. Two were already with their mum,” he said.
A third calf was lost in the grass and, with rain and cold setting in, Rodney knew he had to help the calf reunite with its mum and siblings.
Upon approach the calf was spooked and ran deeper into the paddock, launching a more challenging rescue mission.
Family, Lorrelle and Olivia, helped drive into the paddock for the search and returned with Rodney nursing the startled calf on the front seat.
“It’s a one-in-105,000 chance of triplets and the survival rate is even less,” Rodney said.
“We were concerned for its welfare. It was exhausted and took to the mother straight away.
“When they were all together, that’s when we definitely knew the calves belonged to the same mother.”
The triplets were born by natural process and unaided at the Rodello property on January 25 about 4pm.
The bull calf weighed in at 27kg and two heifer calves were 21kg and 23kg.
“For us, it’s a bit of a novelty to see twins because we’ve been (breeding Angus) for a short time – but triplets? I have spoken to seventh generation farmers who have never experienced this,” Lorelle said.

The bull, a five-year-old named Nitro, has proven to be a strong breeder. He has sired four sets of twins so far and now triplets. One set of those twins was born just last week.
Rodello has seen 26 new calves this season.
The mother of the triplets has calved every year for the 10 years she has been at the property. This is the first time she has had more than one calf in a pregnancy.
Olivia assured that Mumma, as she is known, is getting “the queen treatment” as she continues to care for her healthy offspring.