A planning scheme amendment and development application that could dramatically change the face of Riddells Creek is now with the Minister for Planning for review.
Public submissions opened last Monday for plans that would facilitate stage one of the Amess Road Precinct Structure Plan with a 182-lot subdivision.
Last year Riddells Creek residents rallied in a campaign for better outcomes from the proposal including minimum lot sizes of 800sqm, improved connections and staying true to the town’s rural identity. A submission to council included a petition with 1231 signatories.
In April last year, Macedon Ranges Shire councillors unanimously rejected progression of the Amess Road PSP as it was presented.
The move went against MRSC planning officer advice but heeded the overwhelming community catch-cry that “the town’s rural identity is not for sale”.
At that time, the draft PSP proposed 1300 lots on 130 hectares – an increase on the original 1290-lot plan – which has further reduced lot sizes.
Echelon Planning requested an accelerated assessment via the state government’s Development Facilitation Program.
The program is described as “an assessment pathway for priority projects in identified sectors to inject investment into the Victorian economy, keep people in jobs and create homes for people”.
Public consultation is now open and will close on July 10. Submissions will be assessed in July / August and the minister is expected to make an assessment and decision in August. A decision is expected to be made public in September.
To read the plans in full, or to make a submission, visit: engage.vic.gov.au
A public meeting about the development proposal is being held at the Riddells Creek Community Centre on Thursday, June 27, from 7pm to 8.30pm.
The meeting is an opportunity for people to hear from the Riddells Creek Planning Group about what the developer proposes, impacts and what people can do to have their say. Macedon Ranges Shire mayor Annette Death will also speak on the position of the council.
Invitations to the public meeting will be extended to local MP Mary-Anne Thomas and the Minister for Planning Sonya Kilkenny.