Car parking in Kyneton could be removed to make way for cycling lanes, and key commercial roads reduced to speeds of 30km/h.
These are just some of the ideas explored in Macedon Ranges Shire Council’s draft Kyneton Urban Design Framework.
The document is now open for public comment and has already raised some concern among residents.
A new speed limit of 30km/h has been proposed for Kyneton’s key commercial areas at Piper, Mollison and High streets.
The limits aim to improve safety and access but some feel the changes could be a deterrent for drivers.
“Thirty kilometres is too slow – it is just ridiculous and there is no need,” one submitter told the Express.
They also flagged concern over the prospect of removing car parking to introduce formal cycling lanes.
“Car parking is already hard enough to go shopping in Kyneton. We do not have the amount of cyclists to justify accommodating that,” they said.
“We want people to come and shop in Kyneton and it’s going to make it harder to do so.”
Draft framework references a need to “investigate improvements to the cycling network” and create “cycle friendly streets”.
Kyneton has existing cycling lanes along Mollison and High streets, while Piper Street has no formal cycle lane.
The draft plan states: “While it is desirable to establish consistent wide cycle lanes on the full extent of Kyneton’s main streets, due to the narrow road width of only 20 metres it is likely that wider cycle lanes can only be achieved through redesigning the cross section, for example, by removal of car parking from one side of the street.”
Consultation on the draft Kyneton Urban Design Framework closes on Sunday August 4.
Drop-in sessions began last week and continue this week at the council’s Kyneton office on: July 30, 9am-5pm, and August 1, 9am-5pm. For details, visit: yoursay.mrsc.vic.gov.au