Depot going gangbusters

MAAW Op Shop manager Peter Bottomley is pictured in the newly opened Furniture Depot.

The Mount Alexander Animal Welfare Op Shop Empawrium has recently launched a new venture – a Furniture Depot.

The new offering utilises the expansive space in the basement of the existing Johnstone Street Op Shop building and has four-fold benefits – assisting community members to find a new home for their furniture and household items; enabling those furnishing their house to access affordable options; keeping furniture out of landfill; and best of all raising vital funds to assist the work of the team at the MAAW animal shelter caring for and rehoming animals in the shire.

MAAW Op Shop manager Peter Bottomley said the new service had been up and running for three weeks and they had already had a phenomenal response.

“It is going gangbusters. We have had generous donations of high-quality furniture from across the shire and a fantastic uptake of stock by members of the community keen to purchase quality secondhand items,” he said.

“The new Furniture Depot is brimming with a wide array of items from modern, retro and antique lounge suites and sofas, to dining settings, dressing tables, beds and bedheads (no mattresses), cupboards and shelving, side tables and buffets, artworks, lamps and lampshades, kitchen appliances and much more. We have everything except the kitchen sink!

“There is something to suit every budget and home and best of all it’s keeping all these unwanted items out of landfill and ensuring they are reused and recycled. It’s a win/win for the community, the animals in MAAW’s care and the environment.”

A catalogue with images of items is available at the front desk of the Op Shop so bargain hunters can see if there is an item to suit their needs, which is great for those with mobility issues. Items can then be collected direct from the door at the lower level of the shop.

You can also discover some of the generous donations on the MAAW Op Shop social media pages.

“The community has been extremely kind with their donations,” Peter said.

“We have had whole house lots donated from deceased estates, antique items, furniture from those downsizing their home or redecorating their space.

“There are some fabulous pieces, many with a story, and it is wonderful to see them find a new home where they will get a second lease on life and be saved from landfill.”

The Op Shop and Furniture Depot is open Tuesday-Friday 10am-3pm and Saturday 10-1.30pm.

Anyone who would like to donate items or purchase furniture is welcome to pop into the store at 12 Johnstone Street and chat to the friendly team or call 5472 4200 to arrange a time to donate larger items.