Play it safe at footy finals

Officer in charge of the Macedon Ranges Highway Patrol, Sergeant Lee Clayton.

The Macedon Ranges Highway Patrol has a message for footy finals crowds: play it safe.

Sergeant Lee Clayton said his unit would be providing a strong presence in and around the finals across the district to ensure everyone was using the roads in a safe manner.

“Historically speaking, we see a bit of improvement in the weather at this time of year, that increases alcohol consumption, and people have finished their football season and perhaps turned their focus to the party side of things,” he said.

“We’re all for getting around local football with your mates but we’re in the business of stopping any sort of behaviour that puts road users at risk.”

Sgt Clayton said there would also be a police presence within the sporting grounds.

“Drink driving can occur in those locations as well, they’re not exempt, and we’re able to conduct our testing inside those locations if the need arises,” he said.

“We’ve got a long weekend coming up and again, we’re all for people travelling to enjoy that long weekend and the football and the weather, we just implore people to stay off the alcohol and stay off the drugs and do the little things.

“Make sure you monitor your fatigue, make sure you’re not overloading your vehicles, and make sure your cars are in a good condition before you leave home.”

Sgt Clayton said Operation Scoreboard would run over the AFL Grand Final weekend and would see an increased volume of police on the roads.

He said groups of friends going to the grand final should nominate a designated driver or take public transport.

“Do it early, don’t make that a part of your planning halfway through the day when you’ve already had a few,” he said.

“When we talk about drink driving, we’re not talking about levels that are obscene. A lot of the people we are catching are simply the ones who have had one or two too many.

“At the end of the day, we’re the least of your worries if you kill someone or yourself on the roads.”