Tickets are on sale now for the 2022 HHA & Larsen’s Castlemaine Rotary Truck Show.
Now in its 34th year the show will be returning bigger and better than ever with a full program of events at the Campbells Creek Recreation Reserve on November 26 and 27.
The long running event is a popular attraction for the community and trucking industry while also raising valuable funds to support community projects and charity.
Truck owners from all over Australia will have the chance to win trophies across 10 categories plus Saturday Best on Ground and Rig of the Show with a $1000 cash prize.
Great entertainment will be provided for the whole family over the weekend with free admission for children under 16 years. Live music, free children’s rides and activities. Full catering and a bar are provided on site.
Special guests will be Peter Coad, the Coad Sisters, and the Jim Hermel Band live on stage Saturday November 26 from 5-8pm and again on Sunday, along with other performers.
A crowd favourite is always the annual convoy of trucks from Castlemaine to the Campbells Creek Recreation Reserve commencing at 9am on Sunday November 27.
For entries and online ticket sales go to: castlemainetruckshow.com