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Radiation danger

Maria and Nigel Hoffmann, Kyneton Reading the doctoral thesis by Don Maisch (2010) titled The Procrustean Approach - Setting Exposure Standards for Telecommunications Frequency Electromagnetic...

Bugger-all difference

David Cunningham, Castlemaine Trevor Scott, ('Where's the plan?', Opinions, November 20), correctly states Australia won't meet its CO2 emissions reduction targets. Neither will the rest of...

A new future

Marcus Ward, Pastoria As the Wombat Forest inches towards a new future as a national park, predictably a cranky few continue to demand access for...

Where’s the plan?

Trevor A Scott, Castlemaine According to the IPCC, Australia is well short of achieving its emissions reduction target, set in Paris, in 2015. In 2016,...

Wonderful organisation

Len Young, Kyneton Lions Club The Kyneton Lions Club in conjunction with Victoria Police and Kidsflip conducted a successful operation on Saturday November 3 and...

Locked out

Julie Samson, Spring Hill I'm very disappointed with your front page coverage of the debate regarding VEAC's proposed changes to the status of the Wombat...

Universal income

Maria and Nigel Hoffmann, Kyneton Just a passing comment on the 'Meet the Politicians' evenings. The three parties declared that they will create more jobs. In...

Biodiversity crisis

Trevor Speirs, Trentham On local radio and in the print media, opponents of the proposed changes to the status of the Wombat Forest have been...

A plea to local employers

Graeme Henderson, Bullengarook Wouldn't it be great if small businesses in our local community, the Macedon Ranges, paid their workers what they are legally entitled...

Without justification

Brad Hogan, Pastoria East I write in opposition to Macedon Ranges Shire Council's proposed planning amendments for Significant Landscape classification affecting most rural properties in...

Dedicated professionals

John Connor, Woodend Re. 'School in strife' (Midland Express, November 6). I was privileged to participate in the Principal for a Day program, on four occasions...

Not delivered

Christine Pruneau, secretary, Macedon Ranges Residents Association In 2014, the state government promised to legislate to protect Macedon Ranges "using Statement of Planning Policy No....
