Peter Henderson, Kyneton
As a concerned resident, community member and recently elected board member of Kyneton and District Town Square Co-op, I am very concerned at the lack of attention and maintenance at the former Kyneton Primary School site.
The students left in March this year and to my knowledge NO maintenance has been done on the site since then, the deciduous trees have dropped their leaves and blocked almost all spouting and downpipes, the grassed area has not been mowed (apart from some community minded residents who mowed earlier in the year).
The local member has not been able to find out who is ultimately responsible for the site, and meanwhile it just sits waiting to be either flooded due to leaves in spouting (the site has a history of flooding due to the leaf litter in spouting and drains) or the overgrown grass will become a hazard or eyesore. The community is very proud of the site and does not want it to turn into another Kyneton hospital fiasco and just left to deteriorate.
Please let us know who will be responsible for the maintenance, or hand over the general upkeep to a community group such as the newly formed Kyneton and District Town Square Co-op, we will then organise local working bees to maintain the old school site.