Beth Higgins, Yandoit
Harsh criticisms are often levelled at our V/Line (VicRail) services, although I have never found fault with them. In particular, on Tuesday August 21, returning from a doctor’s appointment, we found Southern Cross had large numbers of security officers due to an unfortunate incident.
Seeing our age and dismay at our route to platform 16A being blocked, an officer had someone escort us to the northern end of the platforms and along to 16A that way, by which time the train had left, so patiently he took us back to 8 South and all was well until the train had to be cancelled due to a fault.
Passengers were directed to the buses, another long walk for us, but again V/Line staff were exceptional in helping escort us all the way, going ahead to ensure a bus would be available for we few slow stragglers, who had a large comfortable bus for only six of us.
The next day in Castlemaine my husband had a minor mishap with the car and a young man stopped to help, looked up and rang phone numbers and stayed with him until the tow truck arrived. We should all be proud of these kind young people and V/Line.