Food for microbes
Colin Turton, Muckleford
I have resisted thus far in the knowledge that I will be shouted down and berated endlessly by the majority of your...
Before the devastation
Graham Smith, Kyneton
The infuriating thing about reading David Cunningham's almost weekly dismissal of climate change, is that, in his case, he might be right....
Leading the way
Hans Paas, Castlemaine
It really does not get much better than this for any community. First we become a welcoming community to those who fled...
Bleak indeed!
Deb Moreheart, Campbells Creek
From your reporting of the process reclassifying Wombat State Forest ('Bleak outlook', Express, December 4) I am curiously alarmed that women...
Shortsighted view
Trevor A Scott, Central Victoria Climate Action, Castlemaine
An open letter to federal opposition leader Bill Shorten re. "Adani Coal Mine won't affect emissions".
I understand...
Don’t claim our future
Reuben Macdougall Di Manno, Campbells Creek
I write in response to David Cunningham's latest offering on climate change ('Bugger-all difference', Opinions, November 27).
Before beginning, I...
Why bother?
Peter Ryan, Castlemaine
It puzzles me why David Cunningham ('Bugger-all difference', Opinions, November 27) continues to get such coverage in your paper.
I believe that we...
Bring it on!
Patrick Hockey, Castlemaine
We are fast-approaching the day when not only will strong positions on climate change be bipartisan, but the major parties will try...
Still waiting
Nikki Medwell, Elphinstone
The state government published an ATCW (Authority To Control Wildlife) review for public feedback with submissions closing June 29. This document promised...
Radiation danger
Maria and Nigel Hoffmann, Kyneton
Reading the doctoral thesis by Don Maisch (2010) titled The Procrustean Approach - Setting Exposure Standards for Telecommunications Frequency Electromagnetic...
Bugger-all difference
David Cunningham, Castlemaine
Trevor Scott, ('Where's the plan?', Opinions, November 20), correctly states Australia won't meet its CO2 emissions reduction targets.
Neither will the rest of...
A new future
Marcus Ward, Pastoria
As the Wombat Forest inches towards a new future as a national park, predictably a cranky few continue to demand access for...