Kyneton Rangers fight

Molly Wilding takes the ball to score at the Kyneton Rangers match up over the weekend. Photo: Angela Crawford

Kyneton’s Barkly Square saw a stunning winter’s day on Sunday with the low-hanging sun providing some reprieve from the previous weeks’ wet pitches.

The women’s Div 1 team met Shepparton South for the last game of the day at Barkly Square, and with a Shepp South’s defender drawing two yellow cards to a red card, it gives you an indication of the kind of match-up it was.

Nevertheless, the Rangers kept their cool and positive disposition.

Isha Kuyateh, donned the team’s pride position as goalkeeper for the full fight over the 90 minutes, doing a sterling job at intercepting the flight of balls coming from the opposition.

Supporting Kuyateh was the defence, as fluid as the Campaspe River itself, Sunday Jones, Captain Bec Cole, Ava Coleman, and Maddie Hacche who were kept busy cascading over every ball that entered the backline.

Keeping the centre locked and loaded were Lorelei Cook, Remy McTaggart, and Lenka Thompson who funnelled the balls to their ever-reliable wingers Emma Tricarico and Zara Hooppell.

The Rangers strikers, Sian Hooppell and Bronte Randle, showed true grit as they continued to enter the, at times questionable, challenges dealt out by Shepparton South, but with two early goals in the first half, Shepparton South were victorious 2-0 with everyone giving it their all.

The women’s Div 2 team matched up against Swan Hill. Stalwart Jo Mitchell put on the gloves for Kyneton again as she defended the Rangers’ goals for the entire game who pummelled the goal kicks to the mid-forward lines.

Helping keep the defence strong were Kim ‘Dicko’ Dickins, Bec Cole, Lucy Campbell, Amber Doolan, and welcoming back Em Gloyns who kept the opposition’s forwards working hard for their balls.

Circling through the midfield were the dynamic duo Simone Hooppell and Remy McTaggart, and the teams feisty wingers Monica O’Toole and Miranda Minson, who assisted the whole length of the pitch and upfront with Sian Hooppell (1 goal), Molly Wilding (1 goal), and Evie Dowling who kept on the through-balls when they made it past Swan Hill’s defence.

Another strong game for the team with 110% passion being exhibited and at the three-whistle blow, Kyneton went home victorious, 2-1.

Kyneton men had a tough round this week seeing Seniors behind 3-1 to Reservoir United, and Reserves behind 7-0 to Docklands Athletic.