Tag: The Compost Conversation
Not foul manure, fowl manure
‘Gallus gallus’, the red junglefowl, once roamed wild in the forests of South Asia, but has, through long years of selective breeding,...
Horse manure, worming and compost
This week the Compost Conversation has enlisted the help of local vet and large animal specialist, Dr Paul O’Connor, to better understand...
Straight from the horse’s…
Although horses no longer perform the major traction and transport roles they once did in our society, our increased human population, growing...
The good manure
Animal manures can be fantastic additions to our compost recipe, in fact their use pre-dates deliberate compost making in the Western tradition.
Sir Albert Howard – Compost Pioneer
Back in the early 20th century, Sir Albert Howard (often called the father of modern organic agriculture) brought the Indore method of...
The question of wood ash
Can I put wood ash from my fire in the compost? It’s a question we are often asked here at YIMBY. As...
One bin good, two bins better
Managing the outputs of a cool compost bin can get complicated, particularly if we only have one bin, where we can find...
Free-range worm farming
I’ll let you in on a little compost secret. A well set up cool composting bin and a worm-farm are pretty indistinguishable....
To tumble… or not?
The logic of compost tumblers goes like this: Lack of aeration makes compost piles stinky and slow. By turning the compost regularly,...
Setting up for success
For many people, the compost pile is as far away from the house as it can be, tucked right down in a...
It’s hot, when you’re not
There is nothing quite so satisfying for me as heading outside on a frosty morning to feed the chooks, passing the compost...
Hooray for the home composter!
“In a good economy there would be no such thing as waste” writes farmer and poet, Wendell Berry.