Tag: YIMBY composters
Compost in our autumn garden
Autumn in central Victoria is pretty spectacular. As the rains bring a flush of green and the nights cool, our summer plantings,...
Profile of a composter
This week we are taking a stroll around the Taradale garden of long-time Mount Alexander Shire councillor, Christine Henderson, and having a...
The Compost Conversation – Compost too dense?
Imagine you live at the very bottom of a compost pile. As the pile is added to every week or so, the...
The Compost Conversation – Flat out for great compost
Note: We have decided to leave our article on making biochar until after the fire season is passed.
The Compost Conversation – Biocharging your compost
There is lots of interest, quite a bit of hype and some pretty optimistic hope pinned on biochar...
The Compost Conversation – Straightening the hay from the straw
There is a bit of confusion out there between ‘straw’ and ‘hay’. You hear them used interchangeably but they are quite different...
Reflections of a composter
In this week's Compost Conversation, the team from YIMBY (Yes In My Back Yard) bid farewell to their very first YIMBY composter....
The Compost Conversation – with Joel Meadows
The big chop
It’s important to chop our compost ingredients fine enough so that they have the right consistency...
The Compost Conversation
Do you feel the itch to learn how and why to make great compost, or solve your compost problems, or put compost theory into action?
The Compost Conversation – Hot composting
If you want to start hot composting – getting your compost to heat up to at least 55o Celsius for at least three days.
The Compost Conversation – The dirt on compost forks
When it comes to the work of composting; building, turning, moving and distributing, forks are the tool of choice. There are three...
The Compost Conversation: The compost screw – What a corker
Many of our gardening tools have a history going back centuries, if not millennia. The compost screw (or corkscrew) is a newcomer.