Landowners in the district can gain a better understanding on soil management by attending a free workshop hosted by the Upper Campaspe Landcare Network on an olive farm in Edgecombe.
Soil scientists Christian Bannan from South East Soil and Water, and Melissa Cann and Martin Hamilton from Agriculture Victoria will bring their wealth of knowledge to help landowners assess and improve their soil types.
“This workshop will allow attendees to observe soil issues in the field and discuss any issues they may have on their land,” Christian said.
“We will cover soil physical and chemical constraints at the site, and those that exist in the local region. “Landowners will gain an understanding that will help them take action to improve production and soil condition on their properties.”
At the workshop participants will learn in the field around an open soil pit. Some of the topics that will be covered are: Soil structure, water infiltration, plant roots and root-zone depth, acidity, drainage, water holding capability, impeding layers and plant nutrition.
The importance of healthy soil cannot be underestimated. Soil is one of the most significant parts of our ecosystems, contributing to our food, water and energy, and it plays an important part in reducing the impact of climate change.
The workshop is being held on ‘Olive’s Olives’ Farm at Edgecombe on Thursday March 21 from 10am to 2pm.
A delicious free lunch is included. Bookings are essential at www.mrsc.vic.gov.au/Live-Work/Environment/Environment-Groups-Events/Environment-Events or email environment@mrsc.vic.gov.au.
Participants need to bring a bucket of soil from their property and hats, boots and water.