Understanding climate change impacts at a local level is the focus of a public information session coming up at Maldon next week.
All are invited to attend the Understanding Climate Impacts presentation taking place at Maldon Neighbourhood Centre on Thursday evening, February 28.
“It came out of our strategic planning process that we did last year at the Neighbourhood Centre,” centre coordinator Amy Atkinson said.
“We decided that if we are to have a healthy and resilient community we need to have a look at the environment around us as well.
“It’s to raise awareness about the importance of climate change and what’s happening now and into the future and for the community to respond in terms of adaptation and mitigation.”
The centre aims to partner with the Mount Alexander Sustainability Group and will be inviting participation from the community.
The session is being presented by two sustainability leaders who have attended the Al Gore Climate Reality leadership training course.
“Our two presenters are Laurel Freeland, who is moving from Daylesford to Castlemaine, and Michael Weadon who is based in Ballarat, ” Ms Atkinson said.
Maldon Neighbourhood Centre committee president Pam Millwood said the local neighbourhood centre was happy to take an active lead on addressing the issue in the local community, but believed it was important that the wider community actively engaged with the issue.
“I think it’s really essential that there’s an ongoing process,” she said.
“I think it’s vitally important that every group in this town should be thinking about how we can live in a more ecologically sustainable way.”
More information and RSVPs are available through the Neighbourhood Centre on 5475 2093 or info@maldonnc.org.au