Upskill in weed control at Woodend workshop

A workshop in Woodend next month will provide landholders who have waterway frontage with the skills and knowledge to improve weed management along waterways.

A workshop in Woodend next month will provide landholders who have waterway frontage with the skills and knowledge to improve weed management along waterways.
Organised by the North Central Catchment Management Authority, the workshop is an integral part of projects that are improving the health of waterways in the upper Campaspe and Coliban catchments.
Riparian areas are prone to weed invasion because of high ‘edge to area’ ratio; favourable environmental conditions; flood events that cause frequent disturbance and move weed seeds; and high levels of human activity. However, well-designed weed management programs can achieve positive outcomes in riparian areas.
The free workshop will be held from 9am to 11.30am on Sunday February 16 at the Marsh Court Reserve, Woodend.
Speakers include Ben Perry, biosecurity manager with Agriculture Victoria, who will talk on riparian weed identification and best practice control advice; along with representatives of the Ashbourne Landcare Weed Action Group who will share their experience of local control efforts.
The North Central CMA continues to work closely with communities to deliver lasting change across the region, including significant investment in the Caring for the Campaspe and A Healthy Coliban Catchment projects.
Since 2012, the North Central CMA has been providing fencing, off-stream watering, weed control and revegetation incentives with land managers along the length of the Campaspe River.
Along the Coliban River – and its tributaries upstream of Malmsbury Reservoir – Coliban Water, the North Central CMA and Dja Dja Wurrung Clans Aboriginal Corporation are jointly implementing a 20-year plan to protect water quality, fauna and flora, and the cultural history of the area.
A free coffee van and plenty of fact sheets/information will be available. BYO camp chairs.
To register by February 12, go to: or visit the Events section at