Roadmap to reopening

From 11.59pm on September 13, some restrictions will be eased across Victoria. Regional Victoria and Melbourne Metro each have their own roadmaps, relating to how many active cases are currently in the community.

Summary of Steps towards COVID Normal

First Step
First step only applies to Metro Melbourne.
Expanded social interaction.

Key points
Curfew in place 9pm to 5am
Stay within 5km of your home except for permitted reasons such as work or education if these can not be done at home
Exercise or recreation: Two people or a household can meet outdoors for two hours maximum
Visitors to the home: ‘Single person bubble’ One nominated visitor if living alone/single parent (all children under 18)
Childcare and schools continue remote and flexible learning with on-site supervision for children of permitted workers
Shopping for essentials, one person per household, once a day
Restaurants and cafes open for takeaway and delivery only

See full First Step details here:

Second Step
Regional Victoria (11.59pm September 13)
Social bubbles, visitors and staged return of education.

Metro Melbourne (September 28 subject to trigger points and public health advice)
Social bubbles, phased return of some workforces and education.

Key points
Only leave home for four reasons: school or work (if these can not be done from home), care or caregiving, to purchase essentials, exercise
Public gatherings: up to five people from a maximum of two households can meet outdoors for social interaction (infants under 12 months of age are not included in the cap)
Visitors to the home: ‘Single person bubble’ One nominated visitor if living alone/single parent (all children under 18)
Childcare is open to all children
Schools return to onsite learning from fourth term with safety measures
Outdoor exercise and recreation allowed
Restaurants and cafes open for takeaway and delivery only
Retail: open, with density and other restrictions, hairdressing open

See full Second Step details here:

Third Step
Regional Victoria (subject to trigger points and public health advice)
Increased reopening for sport, recreation, ceremonies and special occasions.

Metro Melbourne (October 26 subject to trigger points and public health advice)
Major industries return, increased reopening for education, sport, recreation, ceremonies and special occasions.

Key points
No restrictions on leaving home
Spend time with others outside where possible
Public gatherings: up to 10 people outdoors
Visitors allowed at home from 1 other household (up to 5 people)
Schools return to onsite learning from Term 4 with safety measures
Hospitality open for predominantly outdoor seated service only
All retail open, except personal care (hairdressers open)

See full Third Step details here:

Last Step
Statewide (November 23 subject to trigger points and public health advice)
Increased numbers for gatherings and hospitality.
Key points
No restrictions on leaving home
Public gatherings: Up to 50 people outdoors
Up to 20 visitors at home
Schools open for onsite learning with safety measures
Hospitality open for seated service only
All retail open
Galleries, museums and other entertainment venues open with some restrictions

See full Last Step details here:

COVID Normal
Statewide (subject to trigger points and public health advice)
No restrictions for gatherings, visitors, hospitality or sport.

*’Trigger points’ means a point for review by the public health team to consider any potential changes to the restrictions, based on case numbers, testing numbers and other factors.