Tapping success

Andrew Jan, of Macedon Ranges Plumbing, was named Victorian Apprentice of the Year in the Industry Excellence Awards.

Macedon Ranges Plumbing’s Andrew Jan is in the running for a national title after winning Victorian Apprentice of the Year in the Industry Excellence Awards.

The Drummond resident took up a plumbing apprenticeship to begin a new career after 11 years in the thoroughbred breeding industry.

Andrew said he was keen to learn a trade and after speaking to a friend in plumbing he was offered an apprenticeship.

He joined Macedon Ranges Plumbing in September 2019 and enjoyed working on various projects around Macedon Ranges and surrounds.

“It has been challenging and rewarding, and we are involved in a diverse range of work that enables me to use lateral thinking and really push myself,” he said.

Macedon Ranges Plumbing’s Simon and Sofie Lowe said Andrew had been an instrumental member of the team and a great example of finding a job you love later in life and succeeding in it.

“Andrew’s dedication to plumbing is obvious with his enthusiasm and lateral thinking to problem solve,” Simon said.

“He enjoys the diversity of the work, which is demonstrated by his workmanship, great customer service and commitment to further his education in the plumbing trade.

“He also demonstrates great community spirit with countless hours in volunteer work within the CFA.”

Andrew has been a member of a Spring Hill Fire Brigade for 25 years and recently taken on a leadership role there.

Andrew said he aimed to continue to study and eventually return to teach at Bendigo TAFE.

“I owe a lot to the teachers there and would love give back,” he said.

Andrew was in his 30s when he began his apprenticeship and said he had procrastinated on changing careers for two years before making the bold move. He said it had been a lifechanging experience and recommended it for anyone wanting to do the same.