The quest for a world-class rail trail in central Victoria is full speed ahead now that the Castlemaine Maryborough Rail Trail has secured council funding.
Both the Central Goldfields and Mount Alexander Shire Councils have agreed to contribute $40,000 each as co-funders, if CMRT’s grant application to the Enabling Tourism Fund meets with success. CMRT thanks both councils, as well as the Bendigo Bank and the hundreds of volunteers and community supporters who have made this possible.
With CMRT’s own fundraising of $20,000 and together with contribution from the two councils, they now have $100,000.
CMRT will apply for a further $400,000 from the Enabling Tourism Fund 2024 – supporting Regional and Rural Victorian tourism projects to be ready for infrastructure investment’, which will enable stage two of the rail trails development to be completed.
Before the proposed rail trail can be constructed, a number of steps will be required to ensure the project is compliant with legislation, meets community and state-wide needs and is supported by a sustainable operating model.
Successful applications will be announced in July 2024.