Twisted science
David Cunningham, Castlemaine
Trevor Scott, ('Doubtful statistic', Opinions, September 4), casts doubt on scientific statistics and instead offers junk science as so-called evidence.
There is little...
What hope is there?
Jill Loorham, Castlemaine
Until we stop using our cars, it is pointless to point a finger at coal-powered electricity production. The worst environment pollution to...
Ideological blockage
Ian Scott, Woodend
Hal Curwen-Walker seemed very upset by suggestions the world is warming and we shouldn't use major fires as evidence ('Malthusian scaremongering', Opinions,...
World in crisis
Helen Seligman, Barkers Creek
The world is in crisis. A crisis far broader and more dangerous than anything we've ever known. Let's stop the mindless...
Time to review?
Margaret Pell, Kyneton
It is so disappointing and depressing that the Macedon Ranges Council feels that funding for the Kyneton Daffodil Festival does not fit...
Can be hazardous
Chris Pearson, Kyneton
Re your articles 'Stepping up enforcement' and 'Monitoring the new road rule' of August 21.
In my experience, applying this rule can be...
Uneven playing field
Karen O'Sullivan, president, KFNC
Kyneton Football Netball Club is grateful for the support shown by the community as it struggles through another financial downturn.
The club's...
A sad day
Wilma Johnson, Kyneton
It is a sad day for Kyneton when our council decides the joy provided for the past 45 years by the hard-working...
World-class show
Jean Sanders, Kyneton
Congratulations to the Arts and Culture team at Macedon Ranges Shire Council for bringing a world-class tenor David Rogers-Smith to Kyneton to...
Lack of maintenance
Peter Henderson, Kyneton
As a concerned resident, community member and recently elected board member of Kyneton and District Town Square Co-op, I am very concerned...
The kindness of strangers
Beth Higgins, Yandoit
Harsh criticisms are often levelled at our V/Line (VicRail) services, although I have never found fault with them. In particular, on Tuesday...
Huge wasps
Lynda Langridge, Tylden
European wasps have been a huge problem where I live in Tylden.
My neighbour and I have destroyed more than 90 nests in...