Tag: The Compost Conversation
The Compost Conversation – Compost too dense?
Imagine you live at the very bottom of a compost pile. As the pile is added to every week or so, the...
The Compost Conversation – Straightening the hay from the straw
There is a bit of confusion out there between ‘straw’ and ‘hay’. You hear them used interchangeably but they are quite different...
Reflections of a composter
In this week's Compost Conversation, the team from YIMBY (Yes In My Back Yard) bid farewell to their very first YIMBY composter....
The Compost Conversation – with Joel Meadows
The big chop
It’s important to chop our compost ingredients fine enough so that they have the right consistency...
The Compost Conversation – The dirt on compost forks
When it comes to the work of composting; building, turning, moving and distributing, forks are the tool of choice. There are three...
The Compost Conversation – Nutrient cycling: everyone’s doing it!
For the past couple of weeks we have celebrated the impressive skills of the bacteria and fungi in our compost piles. We...
The Compost Conversation – with Joel Meadows
Getting the carbon/nitrogen balance right
Most of us know we need a blend of carbon-rich and nitrogen-rich ingredients to...
The Compost Conversation – with Mikaela Beckley
Moisture monitoring: Give your compost a squeeze
This week we’ll look at how to tell if your compost is...
The Compost Conversation – with Joel Meadows
Pre-soaking for happy summer compost
Now that the weather is getting warmer, our compost piles can start to suffer...
The Compost Conversation – with Mikaela Beckley
Layer your compost like a lasagne!
Regardless of whether you are cold composting, hot composting, or somewhere in between,...
The Compost Conversation – with Joel Meadows
A tree stole my compost!
Does your compost pile never seem to fill up, always seems dry and powdery...
The Compost Conversation – with Joel Meadows
Is your cool compost… cool?Most backyard compost piles are cool, which means they don’t achieve consistent temperatures over 55 degrees Celsius for...