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Shed home approved

Malmsbury farmer Travis Bruni has won the fight to turn his shed come 'man cave' into a legal residence. Mr Bruni said last week's ruling...

Residents reject billboard

Eve Lamb A VCAT hearing to determine if a large promotional advertising hoarding can be erected at a major entryway to Castlemaine has now been...

Tourism-draw questioned

A multi-million dollar redevelopment of 'The Old Factory' in Woodend has been rejected at the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal.

Brewery battle ends

Holgate Brewhouse’s new discovery centre has been granted dining privileges and increased opening hours in the resolution of a bungled planning permit.

Romsey aged care to VCAT

A 120-bed residential aged-care facility for Romsey has Macedon Ranges Council’s tick of approval as it progresses to the Victorian Civil and...

Council error to VCAT

“Extension by stealth” is how some objectors have described changed operating conditions for Holgates Brewhouse’s discovery centre and beer gardens.

Castlemaine supermarket plan heads to VCAT

A controversial planning permit application for a proposed Woolworths supermarket in Castlemaine's Forest Street is headed to VCAT with a mediation session...

Kyneton South subdivision to VCAT

Residents of Kyneton South have won the support of the local council in their fight against an 87-lot subdivision for Harpers Lane but the...


Macedon Ranges Council's decision to refuse farmland development for a small-scale farm venture at Woodend North has been overthrown by the Victorian Civil and...

Farmers win in land battle

A fourth generation Springfield farming family has taken on the state government in a David and Goliath battle over land, and won. Backed by Macedon...
A Buddhist temple and assembly hall has been refused for Gisborne South.

VCAT rejects Gisborne South Buddhist temple bid

Plans for a Buddhist temple at Gisborne South have been scrapped following the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal's ruling to ...

Shock at Cobaw shooting range decision

Centre fire rifle and shotgun activity will increase at Cobaw's shooting range despite an appeal to the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal. The Sporting Shooters...
