Tag: Windarring
Meet our friendly force
Kyneton police went lights and sirens to Windarring last week.
The mask of disability
Jade Jungwirth
A large group gathered in the sunshine at the Castlemaine Botanic Gardens to celebrate this year's International Day of People with Disabilities. It...
Mural delights diners
A striking community mural has been installed at Little Swallow Café.
Unveiled last week, the work was part of...
Thefts show disrespect
The repeated thieving of donated goods from the front of Windarring's Castlemaine recycled goods store has staff and supported workers there feeling...
Grants cash splash
Maldon Urban Landcare has reason to feel well pleased with itself this week after being named among the local groups to secure some grant...
Join Windarring for an end-of-year wing ding
Windarring disability services is holding an end-of-year 'Wing Ding' concert, plus a special performance of Haiku, an award-winning play by the Cathouse Players, in...
Marvellous mushrooms
After just a few months of operation, Windarring's urban mushroom farm in Castlemaine is flourishing, and with multiple local eateries signing on to purchase...