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Call for sanctuary – Petition to ban shooting at Cairn Curran

A petition calling for a ban on recreational duck shooting on Cairn Curran Reservoir at Baringhup has attracted hundreds of signatures, the majority of...

Dogs of the vines

Our 2021 Wine Trail magazine is out now and has some gorgeous four-legged ambassadors we'd like to share. Among the many 'dogs of the vines' featured, Lily...

Sign of the times

Macedon Ranges is assessing its tourism signage to improve visitor experience with an increase in tourists to the region. The council is encouraging feedback on...

Maldon’s makeover powers ahead

The first stage of historic Maldon's multi-million dollar makeover is well under way, with works to move the town's electricity underground powering ahead. Bendigo West...


Castlemaine and surrounds are in plum position to benefit from a momentous bid to see the wider Central Victorian Goldfields attain World Heritage listing. In...

Brewery on the way – New hospitality enterprise for Lancefield

Plans for a new brewery, restaurant and function centre are well advanced, with the exciting project for the middle of Lancefield likely to be...
