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Josh Rodgers with his vintage coffee roasting machine.

It’s bean a big learning curve

A teenage entrepreneur from Newstead has used the skills he learned as a barista and trainee coffee roaster to start up his own coffee...
Lulu, Ari, Coen, Arrabella, Manu and Val get ready to plant the nationally endangered basalt peppercress plant at Trentham and District Primary School as part of state-wide efforts to prevent them from becoming extinct. Photo: Sandy Scheltema

Rock and Roll stars

Forty-five enthusiastic students at Trentham District Primary school helped plant, fence, tag and monitor 32 nationally endangered basalt peppercress (Lepidium hyssopifolium) plants in a...
Young Woodend filmmakers Flynn Mazza and Kale McQuade can look forward to their film being featured at Hollywood Theatre in June 2019 after they won the regional final of the International Youth Silent Film Festival.

Up in lights

Hollywood Theatre will soon light up for two young Woodend filmmakers. Flynn Mazza and Kale McQuade were named winners of the International Youth Silent Film...
Macedon Ranges youth resources officer Jason Azzopardi (centre) with the kids from KidzFlip's gym program.

It takes a village

Gisborne Leading Senior Constable Jason Azzopardi could not stand by as he saw the impact of issues like bullying, mental illness, substance abuse and...
Emma, Charlotte, Ava and Fern get busy making Big Ks at the school canteen.

‘Big K’ a big hit

Young Ava Coleman has taken the war on waste and waistlines to her school canteen. The grade six Kyneton Primary School student has campaigned to...

400 reasons to celebrate

Ask learner drivers Lily McMahon and Tilly Donkin what they've got out of doing a unique intensive local learner driver course and they're quick...
Students at Castlemaine Secondary College enjoy last Thursday's Colour Run. Photo: Eve Lamb

Colour runs riot

What better way to celebrate life in all its charm, chaos and occasional confusion than with a riotous celebration of colour. And so it was...
Castlemaine Secondary College students and diversity group reps Judzea Gatt and Liv Hocking at Friday's Wear It Purple Day.

School celebrates a rainbow first

Plenty of purple was promenaded as Castlemaine Secondary College raised its first-ever rainbow flag with pride on Friday. A party atmosphere prevailed as Castlemaine Secondary...
Indie rock group Dr. Frisco brought the wow-factor to win Macedon Ranges' Battle of the Bands heat on Saturday. Photo: Ties Urie

Indie rock wins battle

Indie rock group Dr. Frisco brought the wow-factor to win Macedon Ranges' Battle of the Bands heat on Saturday. The Braemar College schoolmates will take...
Young Ainsley Nash and Kate Hemphill dressed in farm-themed attire especially for Castlemaine Primary School's Parma for a Farmer lunch on Friday.

Parma charmer

When Castlemaine youngsters Kate Hemphill and Ainsley Nash heard about the impacts of the drought in NSW they decided they'd do something to help. The...
Representatives from the Social Foundry and the Kyneton Community and Learning Centre celebrate with their first round of graduates from the 'Skills for Life' program.

Foundry’s first grads

One of Kyneton's newest foodie hotspots, the Social Foundry on the corner of High and Mollison Streets, is celebrating the first round of graduates...
Youth Strategy co-designers (L to R) Lachlan McKenzie, (Back) Tara Kankindji, (Front) Kyle Hayes, Bec Barker and Kieran Atkins.

For youth, by youth

Young people helped design Macedon Ranges Shire's draft youth strategy and now the shire is hoping more young people will have their say now...
