Rationale breaks ground at Kyneton
Australian luxury skincare leader Rationale has broken ground on its global headquarters in Kyneton.
Last month, Rationale's founder Richard Parker, CEO Shamini Rajarethnam and company...
VGR in state’s new rail training pilot
A new pilot program will offer training and hands-on experience helping Victorian Goldfields Railway upgrade the tourist railway's infrastructure between Castlemaine and Maldon.
Late last...
Free thermal home assessments
Maldon couple Linda Pannan and Graham Thomas are already reaping significant savings from making their new home highly energy efficient.
Now they're about to share...
The Paddock to feature
The Paddock Eco Village in Castlemaine will be featured as part of Sustainable House Day this Sunday.
Established in 2001, Sustainable House Day is a...
Gisborne fight not over
Opponents to Gisborne Business Park's expansion fear their voices have fallen on deaf ears as the proposal lives on in Macedon Ranges Council's draft...
CHASING CARS Leo Pruneau’s designs come to life in iconic Australian wheels
Not many people can lay claim to having flown first class on every business trip, and on the Concorde five times, but Leo Pruneau...
FUTURE FOR FACTORY? Objections and support for Woodend retail plan
Parking and traffic flow need a re-think in a $4.7 million Woodend retail redevelopment plan to breathe new life into 'The Old Factory', objectors...
Tastings back on the menu
Cellar door operators are toasting their return in time for the Queen's Birthday weekend following pressure on the state government to ease COVID-19 restrictions...
Foundry powering on through pandemic
Castlemaine's Billmans Foundry was gearing up for the unveiling of its largest project to date - two beautiful bronze whales created by Wollongong artist...