Mount Alexander Shire Council is opening its doors so the community can meet the friendly faces at council.
Council Open Day will take place on Monday October 23 from 1.30pm to 4pm, at the Castlemaine Town Hall.
The day is an opportunity for residents to meet council teams, ask questions, speak to councillors, and find out more about the range of services and supports that council provides. Mayor Rosie Annear said the Open Day was a great opportunity for the community to learn more about council’s roles and responsibilities.
“During consultation for our upcoming Communications and Engagement Strategy, our community told us how much they value face-to-face interaction,” Cr Annear said.
“We’ve listened to that feedback, and are committed to more face-to-face time with residents to listen to and learn from them.
“The Open Day will be a chance for people to not only chat to councillors, but to meet council staff – the people on the other end of the phone, replying to your emails, undertaking maintenance of our roads and infrastructure, working in our parks and gardens, and generally serving our community.
“We’re really looking forward to this open day – to talking with residents, and sharing information about who we are, what we do, and how we can best help our community.”
Save the date – Council Open Day, Monday October 23, 1.30pm to 4pm, at the Castlemaine Town Hall.
No bookings required.
This is an accessible event and will have an Auslan interpreter.