Wonderful people
Wendy Wright, Rochford
I have met so many wonderful people while out looking for Sienna ... all thanks to your article last week ('Have you...
Internet speed, or lack of it
Graham Denton, Newstead
We have been Newstead residents for about two and a half years and when we first arrived our NBN wireless internet connection...
Climate change done and dusted?
Brian Clarke, Castlemaine
I write to thank Gloria Meltzer, Vaughan Greenberg and Hans Paas for their answers to the questions raised by Patrick Hockey in...
Positive approach
Noel Henderson, chair, Macedon Ranges Agribusiness Forum
The secretary of the Macedon Ranges Residents Association, Christine Pruneau, provided comment in the Midland Express ('Go figure!',...
Unique opportunity
Rob Bakes, Pastoria
Now that the Kyneton and District Town Square Co-Op is about to happen (Sunday August 26 to be precise), the Victorian Labor...
The delusional and the corrupt
Hans Paas, Castlemaine
I may be able to help Brian Clarke ('Courage and intelligence', Opinions, July 24). Although it is not abundantly clear from his...
Conservative zealots
Vaughan Greenberg, Chewton
Brian Clarke's thinly veiled climate denialist letter will fool very few ('Courage and intelligence', Opinions, July 24) .
I have never found people...
Selective and narrow
Gloria Meltzer, Chewton
In the letter by Brian Clarke ('Courage and intelligence', Opinions, July 24) he bemoans the fact that many people in Castlemaine find...
More is less
Dr Ray Brindle MPIA, traffic and transport researcher, Malmsbury
Graham Smith ('Not convinced', Opinions, July 17) isn't convinced that wire rope barriers save lives, as...